Category Archives: Insurance

Things To Consider When Choosing Your Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Answer this simple question!

What is the most important thing in this world? What is the most precious thing we have to keep? What is the basic of happiness??

I see you can explain everything as the answer but try to think basically. The most important thing, the most precious one in this world is Health. You can’t smile widely if you sick, you can’t enjoy your time when your body feels uncomfortable, and you can’t do anything freely when you have illness. So we must keep our body healthy to be happy.

If we want to protect our healthy body, sometimes we’ll need help.

One of the best ways to stay healthy and happy is by taking health insurance. It is important to get health insurance for yourself and members of your immediate family. Insurance helps to protect you from high health care costs, especially those related to chronic medical conditions or the need for hospitalization.

How to choose the best health insurance for you?? The first thing to do is

“Do the math. Consider premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, etc. Estimate what your out-of-pocket medical expenses for the following year could be for each health insurance plan you are considering.”

There are some factors to consider:

  1. Lifestyle/Family Status Factors to Consider When Estimating Future Medical Expenses. The example is when your family plan to have a baby, so You will want to pay close attention to hospitalization coverage and costs, well-child coverage, and office visit.
  2. Financial Factors to Consider When Estimating Future Medical Expenses, for example the monthly premium, the co-payment for an office visit, the co-insurance percentage for services, and the out-of-pocket maximum.
  3. Consider the provider access issues
  4. Weigh your estimates of the possible out-of-pocket costs for the plans you are considering against any provider access issues. Make your decisions based on the factors that are the most important to you.

There are some other factors that may be important to you when choosing health insurance, are:

  • What health services are not covered?
  • If I have a medical condition (such as diabetes) will the health plan provide coverage immediately or do I have to wait six months or more? Starting in 2014, the health reform legislation will prevent health plans from deny coverage for a pre-existing condition.
  • Does the health plan have a drug formula that includes the medications I use?
  • Is my doctor in the health plan’s provider network?

When you choose suitable health insurance, it will be beneficially for you because I will help you to solve your problem about healthy and money. Please think carefully before you choose health insurance…….

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